Saturday, November 7, 2009

After thinking about it more it seems like we in some way pity people who have had a close family member or friend die. We give them that crutch that says whatever you do is okay becasue you are grieving. But People dieing and people being born is all apart of life it's a continous cycle that never ends. And at some point you have to move on with your life because life does go on whether you want to be apart of it or not.
In Holdens case I started to give him that crutch becasue his brother died I deamed that as the reason he has all these problems. But at some point he needed to move on his brother died a long time ago and he should have done his grieving and gotten over it. Or maybe not gotten over it but found a better way to deal with it. Because him being a asshole to everyone, not applying himself at school and running away shouldnt be a excuse because he no longer has his brother around.
Or should we give people who have had someone close to them pass away that excuse for forever ? Should that be the reason they act one way their whole life or should they eventually move on and except what has happened? Do we give people that crutch?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think Holden has an excuse for being an asshole all the time. I understand he lost his brother, but it was a while ago. At some point in his life he needs to move on and grow up because I think that is what his brother would have wanted.
