Friday, October 30, 2009

Response to ch 5

In chapter 5 you get more insite about Holdens background and you kind of understand him a little bit better. I think that he took it really hard when his brother died he seemed to be a very nice kid in Holdens perspective. And I think that he really misses him and it might be the reason why Holden is not exactly normal. They never mention how he's had a break down or anything until his brother died and then his family tried to get him psychoanalyzed because he broke all the windows with his fist. Holden was affected pretty hard with his little brothers death and that might be what started to make him a little crazy.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My impression of Holden Caulfield is that he is very repetitive. He says the same things all the time no matter what the situation is like he doesn't care about anyone or anything. And i think its weird how people react to him. He jumps on Stradlater back and tries to put him in a choke hold in the middle of a conversation. Once he got off his back he didn't think anything of it like it was normal for him to act like that. He shouts at random stuff and is actually really annoying if i had to be roomed with him I would loose my mind. Wouldn't You?
4. Why do teenagers feel the need to rebel against the rules or against other people?

Teenagers feel the need to rebel because they think they are right. They think they know whats best for them even though they don't have the experience that the older people giving them advice do. Older people give advice because they have been in those different situations, they know the out comes and they want to help us succeed. But us as teenagers it takes a while to understand that, that's what they are trying to do and we think they are wrong and they can't understand us because they aren't in our same position right now. So we rebel against them because we think we know what's right for us personally and we just need learn things the hard way sometimes.